Our Lodge Page (OLP) provides dynamic, mobile-responsive, websites for local, district, regional, and organzation-wide. Members are authenticated against the group's membership software. Each website has several sections available to be enabled by the Local Group/Lodge's Webmaster(s) including:
- Home screen - containing a short description of the local group, it's location, meeting night and a map.
- Contact - a contact form for interested parties to contact the local group.
- Calendar - a calendar displaying local group events with the ability for members to RSVP for meetings.
- Current Officers - a list of the local group's current officers.
- Photos - local photos, grouped into customizable albums.
- Links - A page of links the local group feels would be relevant to their members.
- Files - Files the local group is sharing both publicly and internally.
- News - News posts from the local group.
- Past Officers - A list of historical officers of the local group.
- About - A page about the parent organization.
- Directions - A page with directions and a map to get to the local group.
- Charities - A page detailing the parent organization's charitable work.
- History - A page detailing the history of the parent organization.
- Join - A page with instructions on joining the parent organization/local group.
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