Embed your OLP Calendar on another website: Instructions
Embed your Group's Groupable|Connect Calendar on a separate website - don't maintain multiple calendars!
You can embed your entire Parent Organization Calendar, an individual district, or your local group's calendar.
Here's how:
For the Groupable|Connect websites, we use a Javascript calendar called fullcalendar. You can see it here:
https://<Your Groupable|Connect Domain Name Here>/calendar
For example:
The parent organization's calendar: https://ny.moriapp.com/connect/connect_groups/c925741b61d63cbc6f2025a4c56969f6/calendars
A region or district calendar: https://ny.moriapp.com/connect/connect_groups/19f1a077a2b09a33af44a8b1e704c86d/calendars
A local group calendar: https://ny.moriapp.com/connect/connect_groups/1b30f78ec3373ee1c51e56333171cf66/calendars
To embed this calendar on your site, do the following (note jquery is required):
1. Place this empty div where you want it to appear:
<div class='calendar'></div>
2. Download the version of fullcalendar.min.js we are using from here:
https://<Your Groupable|Connect Domain Name Here>/js/fullcalendar.min.js
For example https://ny.moriapp.com/connect/connect_groups/1b30f78ec3373ee1c51e56333171cf66/fullcalendar.min.js
3. Include this script in the page, which customizes full calendar and tells it where to get the data (you may need to convert the $'s to "jQuery" as it appears your site has it aliased:
$(document).ready(function() {
defaultView: 'list',
header: {
left: 'prev, next',
center: 'title',
right: 'today, list, month'
views: {
list: {
duration: { days: 90 },
listDayAltFormat: 'dddd'
events: 'https://<Your Groupable|Connect Domain Name Here>/event_feed',
timezone: false,
eventRender: function(event, element) {
if ($('.calendar').fullCalendar('getView').name === 'listYear') {
title = element.find(".fc-list-item-title");
title.append("<br />" + event.description);
Be sure to replace the generic <Your Groupable|Connect Domain Name Here> with your actual Groupable|Connect Domain Name.
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