This post was created during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Who: OLP Webmasters can create News Posts.
During normal times, a News Post may include a summary of the last meeting or be a Good Tidings post.
Right now, it's being used to communicate relief coordination, community outreach, and well-being "sickness and distress" updates (if set to members-only). Please include your Glad Tidings, share food and drink suggestions (everyone is cooking at home!), and more.
As of 04/08/2020, we are building an "announcement" feature for the News Posts. This will allow a webmaster to send an email about the News Post to their members, along with a link to OLP. Comments are available in the app and Member Portal (signed in only).
Please be sure to review your access settings before posting - for example, keeping personal sickness and distress updates set to "members only".
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