Release Notes
February 2025:
- Move some hard-coded settings to configuration settings.
- Update Japanese translation
- Misc. Memory and Server optimization
- Update Local Contact List
- Updates to weekly emails
January 2025:
Help Center:
- Groupable|m2:
- Stripe:
- YouTube: Stripe Setup Instructions
- FAQ: Stripe Payment Accounts
- Stripe Accounts: Bank Reconciliation with Your Treasurer
- Stripe Accounts: Managing Team Members, Transferring Account Ownership
- Stripe Accounts: Instructions to Create a Merchant Account to Process Payments
- Example Letter Offering Online Payment Option
- Groupable|Live! Training Schedule (February 2025)
- Connect:
- Weekly Member Update emails (weekly on Tuesdays) (FAQ)
- Auto-Generate 25 future calendar events in Groupable|Connect (set time zone in Info/Officers to begin generating events. Edit timezone as necessary)
Annual Member Activity Report (AMAR) updates:
- Add "Stats" (Events Missing Event Rules)
- Add "Ending Affiliation Stats"
- Add "Return Fees" and "Billing Info" for Default AMAR filings
AMAR Menu:
- Add "Billing Export"
- Add "Print All" (Print all Default AMAR filings)
December 2024:
- Updated Login Screen with Grand Body Avatar/Seal from Groupable|Connect avatar
- Annual Member Activity Report (AMAR) enhancements
- Member Search (BETA) enhancements
- Stripe Dashboard: Add Recent Receipts Table (90 days of Receipts)
Search BETA > Create Audience >
- Send Email
- Envelopes (complete), Avery Labels (complete, missing label picker), Mail Merge (complete)
- Connect: group role users now have Webmaster permissions at all levels of Connect
Report Update: Tax ID Report: Local Tax Exempt Status Tracking:
- Tax ID
- Legal Name
- Tax Exempt
- Yes
- No
- Tax Exempt Status
- Active
- Inactive
- Revoked
- Pending Restoration
- Tax Exempt Notes
- Date of Last Tax Filing
- Tax Filing Year
November 2024:
- Update RSVP process
- Update invoice screen for Connect Pay Dues
- Miscellaneous Bug Fixes for Connect (emails, events, RSVPs, reminders)
- Restore Raiser breadcrumbs
- Managing your Stripe Email Notifications
- FAQ: Online Payments Transition to Stripe
- Stripe Merchant Onboarding Instructions
October 2024:
- groupable|connect Stripe Payments (Click here to join zoom support, weekdays 9 a.m. ET - 4:30 p.m. ET)
- groupable|connect for all groups (groupable|connect FAQ)
- Groupable|Live! Training Schedule (November & December calendars posted; Stripe Account Support zoom schedule and link)
- Introducing Stripe: Your Trusted Partner in Groupable Payments for Seamless Online Transactions!
- Stripe Merchant Onboarding Instructions
- FAQ: Online Payments Transition to Stripe
- Groupable Payments: Surcharges and Transactions Fees FAQ
September 2024:
- Preparation for Stripe integration
- Preparation for groupable|connect deployment
- BETA Search/Audience Builder: incredibly powerful report and audience-building tool. Find in your menu: Members > Search (BETA).
August 2024:
- groupable|connect FAQ
- Introducing Stripe: Your Trusted Partner in Groupable Payments for Seamless Online Transactions!
- Discover the Exciting Advantages of the groupable|connect Member Portal
- Stripe Merchant Onboarding Instructions
- Groupable|Live! Training Schedule (September & October calendars posted)
July 17, 2024
- WePay Merchant Account Notice of Termination (effective September 30, 2024 - extended timeline)
- SUMMER 2024: Big Changes Coming to Groupable Payments!
June 25, 2024
- SUMMER 2024: Big Changes Coming to Groupable Payments!
- Don't miss these improvements to OLP!
- SUMMER 2024: Groupable|Live! Training Schedule
April - June 25, 2024
- Bug fixes and enhancements
- Improvement to Non-Member records (for recording non-member payments)
- Annual Member Activity Report improvements and archive tables
Week of April 15, 2024
- Bug fix for group level "Recent Events" page.
- Revamped group level "Event Statistics" panel on the main group dashboard. These statistics are now re-calculated once per day overnight. This has resulted in a large speed up when loading the main group page.
Week of April 8, 2024:
- New video guide for affiliating a member with the various York Rite bodies in a multi-body system. View the video.
- New video on saving a PDF from the various print screens in Groupable. View the video.
- Added gross event count to Event Definition page under Admin -> Event Model. In the process we re-ordered the columns to group logical data closer together.
- Print Member Profile: Many minor tweaks and improvements.
- Print Monthly Report: Add borders to panels and improved overall design to make it more readable in printed form.
- New Print Certificate of Election: Ported printing of CofEs from the classic system to m2.
Week of April 1, 2024:
- Refinement: Only show event definitions that apply to the current role the user is in when displaying the event model.
- Bug fix: Closed loop hole in V3EE event entry that allowed a local user to create duplicate memberships and affiliations in the same group.
- Edit Member Life-Cycle Events: Tighten permissions so only those events for the same group type as the current group can be edited. (ie: When running in Royal Arch you can only edit Royal Arch events, not Cryptic Council, or Commandery events.)
- Edit Member Life-Cycle Events: Only show locals and event types that match the current group type.
- Member Print Profile: Split top into three columns and include all member contact information.
- Member Print Profile: Add events notes under event description when present.
- Bug fix: Fix issue when printing labels for an address that has a null address2 field.
- New features on District Dashboards
- New tab listing Annual Member Activity Reports (AMARs).
- New tab listing last five years of Local Certificates of Election.
- New tab listing local officers.
- New "Local Officers Report" under Left Hand Menu -> Reports -> All Report -> search for "local officers". This report includes all current officers for currently active locals, the office held, member name, default address, default phone number, and default email address. Default sort order is by local number. When sorted by office name the sort order is by precedence of office order, not alphabetical order.
- Significant speed up for "Recent Events" on the group, region, and district level dashboard pages.
- Bug fix: Member Print Profile: properly handle member events and affiliations where there is no annual reporting period recorded on the record.
Week of March 25:
- Local status added to the list of Annual Member Activity Reports (AMARs) for a reporting period.
- Added "Work in Progress Report" under Left Hand Menu -> Members -> Work In Progress
- Ported member print profiles from "classic system" to groupable|m2. Button to either directly trigger printing of the profile or view the profile on screen are on the member profile screen in the upper left panel. The "classic system" print member profile has been deprecated and will see no further development, and will be removed in the future.
Through March 21, 2024:
- Bug fixes and enhancements
- Built out expanded timelines
- Update Annual Member Activity Reports (AMARs) and their related Custom Annual Local Filings workflow, Mark Paid buttons
- Updates to YGS calculations and updater
- Display notice regarding SMS and email delivery for user account management messages
- Account User management: load last role used
- Improve Expanded Affiliation screen
- Groupable Passport: Include "Life" display for local member type
- Add Oldest Members report
- Find Member (Legacy) screen updates: compatibility and improvements for v3ee users
- Allow for optional minimum age, postal address, email address, and phone number validations for event creation
- Dual Requests screen updates
- Hidden Lat/Long on Locals > Locals screen
November 21 - December 19, 2023:
Help Center:
- Annual Member Activity Report (AMAR) and End of Year Local Billing
- YouTube channel added videos:
- Fix donor birthday report
- Update expanded timeline, update YGS event handler, recalculate active members YGS
- Update event models and deployed v3EE for several jurisdictions, more on the way
- Member Awards: edit sort, bulk edits
- Updates to AMAR details, recalculations, variance handling
- Update Member and Local Tables to include new informational columns
September 15 - November 14, 2023:
Deployed: There's been a lot going on behind the scenes, and the following list scratches the surface. More to come.
- Many V3EE updates
- Updates to local and group dashboards
- Dual Member Requests updates (allow foreign affiliates to be entered via new methods)
- Event emails
- Embed youtube icon and links throughout the headers and menus for self-explanatory training materials
- Updates to Recent Mergers
- Local Consolidations updates
August 9 - September 15, 2023:
- V3EE updates
- Member Dashboard Updates: Expanded Affiliation Records
July 19, 2023:
- Highlight Contact Info Panel yellow when no postal address is on a member record.
July 17-18, 2023:
- Changes to Locals Merger Process. Contact Mark during office hours EST to perform your next local merger. *BIG CHANGE*
- Navigation Labels on Local Dashboard
July 3, 2023:
- Updates to AMAR Dashboards (Annual Member Activity Report)
June 29, 2023:
- Region and District Dashboard updates
June 15, 2023:
- Restore inactive committee
June 13-14, 2023:
- Misc Reports added to menu
May 22, 2023:
- Display event counts for full members
Help Center:
May 8-10, 16, 2023:
- backend updates and code cleanup
May 2, 2023:
- Updates to reports. Optimizations for speed.
- Bulk Edit Awards: split local name and number to facilitate sorting.
April 20-27, 2023:
- Edit event: allow all users who can edit an event to edit the date recorded
- Admin updates
- Bulk Edit Awards: allow sorting and searching
- Amity Integration: API updates
- Adding a member event: restrict local lookup to organization type (blue lodge, OES chapter, RA chapter, etc)
April 18, 2023:
- Updated group level dashboard
April 5, 2023:
- Updated Gain/Loss Report
March 31, 2023:
- Update query for queuing dues cards for merged locals
- Add Member Type column to Event Report
- Restrict Necrology Report to Full Members
March 30, 2023:
- Fix sort of Certificate of Election table at group level
March 29, 2023:
- Set the Annual Return Period on the CofE when the CofE is installed.
- Limit Contact Info recent changes report to 1000 results.
- Set local officer period when certificate of election is installed.
- Local Officer History Report: Add officers of predecessor locals to the report.
March 1, 7, 8, 16, 21, 22, 2023:
- Misc minor bug fixes
- Custom releases - endowments.
February 24, 2023:
- Added to UI: Add or edit Grand Lodge/Group field on Group Officers table.
- Bulk Edit Awards (New): looks for any final status of the award, regardless of date, rather than look up the most recent status based on date.
- Contact Information Report: look up recently updated contact information for members.
February 21, 2023:
Help Center:
February 13-14, 2023:
- Updates to AMARs
- Fix bulk edit awards screens, improve member awards expanded view and last status.
February 8-9, 2023:
- Final Dues Owed report for merged locals; display last dues & arrears
- Update several custom reports
- Updates to AMARs
February 6, 2023:
- Terms of Service and account notifications added to the application (viewable by Account Owner)
February 2, 2023:
- Annual Member Activity Reports ("AMARs" for v3 event model users)
- Billing Reports for local users
January 27-30, 2023:
- Update menu with new reports
- reformat bulk edit awards modal (New)
- add affiliation level next to dues type on overview members list
January 26, 2023:
- Annual Member Activity Reports and Annual Local Billing forms are made available to local secretaries for select organizations using the new event model.
- Updated Contact Information Report: review member records with contact changes in a date range. (All Reports > Contact Information Report)
January 19, 2023:
- Fix "bulk add awards by YGS", replacement for classic screen.
January 17, 2023:
- Allow groupable to edit OLP usernames in the interface
- Allow a member with active AutoPay payments to make other one-time payments or donations without affecting their AutoPay payments.
- Assorted bug fixes
- OESKS annual local billing form
Help Center:
- FAQ: Member's Spouse Has Died
- I've just become a new officer, how do I get access to groupable?
- How to Favorite a Local or District in the Member Portal or OLP App
- Financial End of Year
January 11, 2023:
- Assorted speed improvements
- Foreign Group Name displays on Group Officers
January 3-5, 2023:
- update IL dues year
- KS PCI Import
- Foreign jurisdiction name added to Group Officers Description
- Raiser Lockbox upload "unknown" Local
- award, suspension, necrology, local fee reports
December 30, 2022:
- Group Officers redirect to m2 Officers screen
- Groupable Passport update
- Date validations
December 15-21, 2022:
- Misc AutoPay updates (recent payment attempts on dashboard, resolve pending scheduled payments)
- Member Timeline management enhancements
- OLP backend updates
December 10-13, 2022:
- Increase number of COEs on Group COE screen
- Groupable Passport updates
- AutoPay updates and enhancements
- Endowment edits NE
- Misc fixes adding member events
December 8, 2022:
- Record status of every AutoPay payment attempt individually, not just most recent.
December 7, 2022:
* Fix LocalMemberType validations
* Group AutoPay configurations
* Raiser: Improve Lockbox matching and error handling
* Digital Dues Card app released for Android
December 5-6, 2022:
- Digital Dues Card app released for iOS (Google Play store release pending)
- Digital Dues Card configuration screen
- UIUX fixes
- Fixes for member search and local search fields, sorting
- Misc system updates
- v3EE jurisdictions: Annual Member Activity Reports
November 30, 2022:
- Decend merged affiliations (group users)
November 10, 2022:
- BETA: Advanced Member Search (Group Users Only)
- BETA: Awards Management
- Ported: Admin/Group features: military conflicts management, subscription management, subscriptions report, course management, course report, title management.
November 1-3, 2022:
- Bug fixes on tables, date and address fixes, group status vs group type display rendering.
- Committee tables enhancement: added Active/Inactive Committee tabs, and Current and Past Committee Member Tabs
- Dues Notices 3x page formatting
October 21, 2022:
- International Address Formatting supported for approximately 70 countries.
- Awards Report Ported to m2 screen. This update provides group, region, district, and local users with a broad overview of member awards statuses from due to presented, received, or mailed. This report should be used to see all members who have already been selected as "due" an award and it is shown on their member record Awards Panel on the right side of the screen. Users can use the multi-select to choose among the awards and awards statuses (for example, selecting all YGS awards that are DUE). Once the report is generated, the user will see the Awards Summary and Awards Details.
October 13, 2022:
- Bug fixes, superuser features that allow administrative work to be done in the user interface, enhancements to user experience editing member records.
- Streamlining the sort and display for adding member events for administrative users.
- OLP webmaster enhancement.
Help Center:
- WePay Request [Your Tax Information Needs An Update] new for 2022 Tax Year
October 12, 2022:
- Style updates, bug fixes.
October 11, 2022:
- Related foreign affiliates fix.
September 27, 2022:
- Bug fixes related to 9/25/22 infrastructure updates. Please advise the team if any remain.
September 25, 2022:
- The second part of backend infrastructure updates. Please advise of any error screens.
September 22, 2022:
- Consolidations link for new consolidation types.
September 20, 2022:
Help Center:
- Local Consolidation Instructions (NEW)
- Local Merger/Consolidation Preparation and Instructions (LEGACY)
- Groupable|Live! Training Schedule (October Schedule Added)
September 16, 2022:
- Bug fixes related to 9/15/22 infrastructure updates. Please advise the team if any remain.
September 15, 2022:
- Significant backend infrastructure updates enhancing the members timeline, event model, and YGS calculations.
August 9, 2022:
- AutoPay backend bug fixes and enhancements, including the following:
- addition of Terms of Service to AutoPay menu.
- enable resetting of plan status, address delinquent plans, and skip reminder emails for locals with no upcoming payments.
- Assorted other fixes and enhancement requests including the following:
- adding missing Country field for addresses,
- adding local town/state for Member Timeline view,
- country (in-state, out-of-state assignment)
- Finances: adding drillable income by receipt type,
- display all Remits in Receipts report (but does not affect Receipts total calculation. A Remit = $0.00 value)
- add Checkbook to Financials Sub-Menu on Hamburger Menu
- budgets screen Income/Expense split
- add member payments link on Dues Owed by Year screen
- "print budget" columns formatting bug fix
- shorten status checker URLs, full address template in dues card template editor
- OLP: disallow user names with spaces; etc
- responsive resizing of tables in assorted tables
- allow secretaries to manage Subscriptions for their members
- add
July 25, 2022:
- Enhancement of District edit officers screen
July 22, 2022:
- Port of District and Area/Region to m2 screens
- Groupable login screen: show/hide password
July 20, 2022:
- Heart beat job;
- allow group read-write users to edit and delete Certificate of Election;
- enable OLP support for YRMA;
- improve presentation and sorting of email statistics;
- fix exceptions on background job screen;
July 1, 2022:
- AutoPay reconfigure payment plan details and configuration
- Local Tax filing update - saving
- historic funnel chart
- assorted bug fixes
- Committees management port into m2
- Add title and office suffix to committee officers table
June 17, 2022:
- Report of Installation/Certificate of Election: contact us to switch from a Certificate of Election (with future Installation dates), to Report of Installation (does not allow future installation dates).
- "Add Alias" (alternative names) to a member record
- Port "Add Widow Record" to groupable|m2 screens
- Display Current Officers on open COEs
- bug fixes to tables
June 6, 2022:
- Group AutoPay Dashboard: Group users can view all existing AutoPay local accounts and member payment plans.
May 25, 2022:
- 990s Report (Last Tax Filing)
- IL Raiser: donor birthdays custom report.
- Bug fixes for AutoPay emails and background jobs.
- DelayedJob dashboard for Admin.
- Update to Print Template.
- Group Dashboard pages.
- Added Title and Office Suffix to Necrology report (hidden column).
- Various feature requests, bug fixes, and backend enhancements paving the way for future releases including a reduction in power consumption.
May 13-23, 2022:
- Group > Festivals bug fix.
- Finances: Voided disb. removed from Transactions list.
- Continued porting of reports to All Reports screen:
- Various Hidden fields added to tables in many reports:
- Necrology Report ported to m2 and added to All Reports.
Awards Reports ported to m2 and added to All Reports. (removed from Group/Grand Lodge menu)
- Available at all levels - local user, district, and group.
- View a date range of selected Awards and their status.
- Locals Tax ID report includes Date Last Filed. Edit the Date Last Filed in the Info/Officers screen.
- Dues Cards Printing for Group Users:
- Moved Location: Members menu (was on Reports menu)
Two Dues Card printing options:
- Dues Cards - LEGACY: no changes - same familiar screen and functions
Dues Cards - NEW:
- view your print queue.
- Print your dues card queue:
- Select Template front
- Duplex on/off
- Select Template back
- Select Dues Year
- Page break by local
- Void unused cards
- Printer calibration x/y offset
- Print dues cards from any Dues Card Templates, including different Front and Back duplex templates.
- New configurable templates - print from any number of Dues Card Templates - template design required (see below).
New Feature: Dues Card Print Template:
- Location: Admin
- New: configurable and updatable user interface for Dues Card layouts.
- QR codes, bar codes, custom configurations, watermarks, text fields, member information. Add new fields to your Dues Card Template, or create different types of Dues Card Templates for different memberships.
- Send an email to and we will work with you to develop an updated Dues Card Template when desired.
May 13, 2022:
YouTube Channel:
- Finding Reports in Groupable
- Improvements to Classic mergers, and merge foreign/related locals: set local type id, only create officer records for offices that are set on the merger form, clean the caches views (so the new local will show on the group dashboard), and redirect to the new local in m2.
May 11, 2022:
Help Center:
- groupable|payments: Records for your Treasurer
- Untransferred Funds / Cash To Treasurer
- Untransferred Funds
April 9-22, 2022:
- Bug fixes, behind-the-scenes work to allow for uploading and attaching files in groupable|m2.
- Behind-the-scenes work for multi-group OLP support (first setup coming soon).
- Reports > All Reports: searchable page, listed alphabetically for all reports in one place (not all reports are configured for or available in all jurisdictions)
April 8, 2022:
YouTube Channel:
- Groupable Live! Running a Great Education Event
- Correcting a Dues Year
March 28, 2022:
Help Center:
March 21, 2022:
- Rails 7 updates; bug fixes, district permissions added (view events reports).
- v2 Certificate of Elections
March 18, 2022:
Help Center:
March 16, 2022:
- Bug fixes; changes to Recent Events to display greater than 30 days.
March 8, 2022:
Help Center:
March 7, 2022:
- Related Groups (other groups): add columns for Local Memberships, move Dual Members to bottom of screen, put the Locals List on the upper right.
- Extend Sent Email History for a user (View Your Sent Emails)
Help Center:
- District Officer Access
- Add Certificate of Election (new screen 2022)
- Officers History Report (list of all historical officers for a local)
- Manage Certificates of Election (Admin)
- View Certificates of Election
February 13, 2022:
- v2EE orgs: add honorary affiliations, add affiliations (local affiliates) (by secretaries), add widows.
- Update "foreign country" when USA is country.
February 11, 2022:
- Officer History Report on Info/Officers screen.
- Append .pdf to PDF COE download
- Add local affiliates by secretaries (v2EE orgs)
February 10, 2022:
- Change in Contact List. The contact list now contains all active parties affiliated with the local (members, widows, contacts, donors, etc.) This is different from the roster which includes members only.
- v2EE plural domestic affiliations
- member screen changes (new dashboard)
Help Center:
February 9, 2022:
Deployed: Draft status of emails in "email sent history" (see View Sent Emails, Edit/Send Unsent Emails)
February 8, 2022:
Deployed: Member Events as Milestones; Deceased Date as Milestone on Member Record. Fix OFT print totals.
February 3, 2022:
Deployed fix for emails. Port officer history report.
February 1, 2022:
Bug fixes: Resolved inconsistent behavior when creating or editing a party record
Fixed an edge case where a member's award history could not be updated
Allow events to be updated even if the record is missing acting local
Unify the current degree calculation
Allow group secretary address to exclude zip and state for foreign countries
Resolved some issues around raiser lockbox import
New Features: Remit receipts are now handled separately from other types
New scrolling table when creating an officer funds transfer
Added "special" column to COE table
Use events for milestone dates
Automatically focus on the first field when opening a form
Display alerts and error feedback at page top instead of a modal
Added more links and data in raiser
January 27, 2022:
- Fixes to time stamps in Officer Funds Transfers (online payments cutoff deposit date); fixes to time stamps for Finances 2.0. Sync of WePay Admin data for groupable. Add table column controls.
January 24, 2022:
- Merge member function (merge duplicate records - instructions coming!) Creating and updating related locals, fixed links to the setup WePay account videos.
January 23, 2022:
Help Center:
January 20, 2022:
Help Center:
January 18, 2022:
Help Center:
- Speedup for dues screen, bug fixes for Raiser, added tooltips for YGS (years in good standing), fixes
January 17, 2022:
Help Center:
- Add Contact
- Adding A New Member
- Add Member
- Add Payments / Non-Member Payments
- What are Guest and Contact Profiles?
- Checklist: Record-Keeping Responsibilities When a Member Dies
- Annual Return
- Annual Financial Reports
- Why do I have a Non-Member in my "Others"?
- Enter foreign affiliations (at 1) add contact, 2) add member events) for group read-write users on v2EE.
January 14, 2022:
- a number of bug fixes and corrections in m2 and Raiser.
January 11, 2022:
Training Schedule Updates:
Announcing February Groupable|Lives on the topic Let's Talk Taxes (filing your 990s, staying in compliance with your Parent Body and the IRS)
- Thursday, February 3, 11:00 am EST: Groupable|Live! (Daytime) Let's Talk Taxes (filing your 990s, staying in compliance with your Parent Body and the IRS)
- Wednesday, February 9, 7:00 pm EST: Groupable|Live! (Evening) Let's Talk Taxes (filing your 990s, staying in compliance with your Parent Body and the IRS)
January 7, 2022:
- groupable|raiser: a next-generation Fundraising module
- App switcher icons
- Add breadcrumbs to the donor profile screen,
- Bug fixes and updates including:
- Revert widows/contacts as needed in NY
- on member profile highlight affiliations with YGS errors,
- Do not allow whitespace in usernames,
- Several Finances 2.0 updates including
- strip non-numeric characters from disbursement amount, adding check number to checkbook balance.
Help Center:
- Groupable Payments: WePay Surcharges FAQ
- Create Annual Return Periods
- Secretary's Receipts (Cash Book)
- Calculate Checkbook
- Update User Account Settings
- Add Group Users: Read-Write Database Admin and Read-Only Database Assistant
December 30, 2021:
Training Schedule:
Help Center:
- YRMA: Add New Memberships and Affiliations
- Add a Local Affiliation to Existing Member (Affiliate)
- Adding An Affiliate
- Adding to your roster
- Introduction To Dues
Creation of Admin Knowledge Center:
- Creating New Year Financial Reports (consolidated 990s only) (Admin)
- Create Annual Return Periods (Admin)
- Adding a Foreign Event (v2EE) (Admin only)
- Adding a Foreign Event - Classic (Admin Only)
- Add Group Read-Write Database Admin and Read-Only Database Assistant users
December 17, 2021:
Help Center:
- New video instructions for setting up your WePay Merchant Account:
December 14, 2021:
Additional December Sessions Added:
Week between Christmas and New Years: SIGN UP FOR AUTOPAY SESSIONS (Here's our AutoPay Knowledge Base)
- Monday, December 27, 3 p.m. Eastern TIme: Groupable:Live! Signing up for AutoPay (and creating your WePay Merchant Accounts)
- Monday, December 27, 7 p.m. Eastern TIme: Groupable:Live! Signing up for AutoPay (and creating your WePay Merchant Accounts)
Help Center:
December 9, 2021:
Upcoming End of Year Schedule:
- Wednesday, December 15, 1 p.m. Eastern Time: Groupable:Live! A Groupable 2021 Retrospective and what's coming in the next 6-12 months
- Monday, December 20, 7 p.m. Eastern TIme: Groupable:Live! A Groupable 2021 Retrospective and what's coming in the next 6-12 months
- Wednesday, December 22, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Eastern Time: OFFICE HOURS - Come ready to work and get your questions answered
Help Center:
- Printing Return Labels in Microsoft Word
- Finding Members
- Labels / Emails
- Correcting Dues Owed
- FAQ for Members (Installment Plans)
December 3, 2021:
Help Center:
December 1, 2021:
Help Center:
November 24, 2021:
Help Center:
- Dec 2021 Live Groupable Training Schedule
- Introducing groupable|autopay
- How Does AutoPay Work for My Local Group?
- I'm Ready to Set Up AutoPay for My Local Group!
- How Can I Sign Up For Dues Installment Payments?
- How Do I Manage My AutoPay?
- Configure Dues Notice
- How to Start Using Dues Mid-Year
- Outstanding Dues Reports
November 23, 2021:
Help Center:
November 22, 2021:
Help Center:
November 19, 2021:
Help Center:
November 18, 2021:
Help Center:
November 15, 2021:
Deployed: Officer Management ported into groupable|m2.
November 12, 2021:
Deployed: added setup dues video to Dues / Arrears screen, Ruby upgrades, Rails upgrades. More updates and bug fixes.
November 10, 2021:
Help Center:
November 2, 2021:
Deployed: groupable|raiser - ask us how to improve your Group's Fundraising impact!
Help Center: Nov-Dec 2021 Live Groupable Training Schedule
October 11, 2021:
Deployed: several enhancements and bug fixes to groupable|m2 and OLP; groupable|m2 User Roles;
October 5, 2021:
Help Center: Updated Navigation to Help Center
October 4, 2021:
Deployed: Checkbook Ledger for Finances 2.0.
Help Center: October-November Groupable Live Training Schedule
September 22, 2021:
YouTube Video: Cleaning up a Chart of Accounts
September 13, 2021:
Deployed: Disbursement Authorizations: Set print background to white and font to 14 pt; sort by number descending; Add address fields; Improve the responsiveness of disbursement authorization form. Add Widow: expose Classic add widow screen for deceased members.
Nighttime system update. Porting "create local."
September 11, 2021:
Help Center: Local Roster Report
September 8, 2021:
Help Center: Adding Finances 2.0 videos
- Income / Expenses
- Budget
- Disbursement Authorizations (aka Vouchers, Expense Authorization)
- Untransferred Funds
- Chart of Accounts
- Add Payments / Non-Member Payments
- Fresh Start (how to clear up historical financial records and chart of accounts)
September 3, 2021:
Deployment of Finances 2.0 for all systems and 11 refinement deployments. Watch the Finances 2.0 Playlist.
Help Center: Finances 2.0 Training Playlist (click link)
Highlights: new chart of accounts, flexible cash to treasurer transfer, flexible date-range reporting, improved budgets, and much more.
Deployed: budget period fixes. Life Membership fixes in MA.
September 1, 2021:
Deployment of Finances 2.0 is coming soon. Watch some videos by clicking the link to the playlist below.
Finances 2.0 Training Playlist (click link)
1. First Video in Finances 2.0 Playlist: From Finances 1.0 to Finances 2.0
Deployed: bug fixes and data cleanup.
August 25, 2021:
Deployed: monthly filings bug fixes and improvements. Add Manage Endowments to Local Affiliations / Memberships Menu. Add Mentor field to Edit Member Info.
August 24, 2021:
Deployed: m2 edit member record screens. m2 Parent Group Home screen.
New YouTube Member Screen video overview:
YouTube: Add office held history video:
YouTube: Add a Member Photo video:
July 6, 2021:
Help Center:
Deployed: minor bug fixes. Fix mobile rendering of the new Menu button.
July 2, 2021:
Help Center:
- July/August Training Schedule with registration links
- Groupable|m2 User Account Management
- Navigation Menus
- Non-Member Payments
We deployed: groupable App Switcher, groupable|m2 collapsing navigation menu.
The new drop-down navigation menu provides users a larger usable screen area, especially those on laptops and tablets.
The new groupable App Switcher provides users a seamless transition to other groupable services such as the OLP Websites and the Member Portal. Coming: returning to groupable|m2 from OLP Websites and the Member Portal.
July 1, 2021:
Help Center:
We deployed: groupable|m2 Non-Member Payments screen.
June 26, 2021:
Help Center:
Deployed: groupable|m2 "become user" from Info/Officers screen for Admins.
June 19, 2021:
Help Center:
Deployed: minor updates.
June 10, 2021:
Help Center:
May 25, 2021:
Deployed in the past month: lots of fixes and minor updates. Behind the scenes, work on some more significant releases coming.
April 27, 2021:
April 19, 2021:
Help Center:
April 11, 2021:
Deployed: m2 new feature: Consolidation of Local Groups Menu. Subitems from the Local Groups Topics are now found internally on their Primary Topic page with a "hamburger" menu in the upper right corner.
m2 new feature: Monthly Filings replaces Monthly Reports for jurisdictions with the Monthly Filings feature. Monthly Filings include the following information: Member Events, Candidates (as of last 13 months), Meetings (attendance), New/Updated Contact Info.
This new Monthly Filing includes Aging Report and Status Report screens for Parent Bodies.
Help Center:
March 9 - April 10, 2021:
Release notes to be added here
Deployed: m2 new feature: Subordinate Roles management on Info/Officers > Additional Local Users table.
Help Center:
March 8, 2021:
Deployed: m2 new feature: notes for contact info components and v2 event engine events.
March 5, 2021:
Deployed: OLP: check box to automatically net up debit card payments; tweaks to merchant account panel. m2: minor bug fixes. Added "Training Schedule" to groupable|m2 navigation menu.
March 3, 2021:
Deployed: update of login browser cookies, requiring all users to log in to their database monthly.
March 2, 2021:
Deployed: m2 bug fixes; internal improvements and changes to m2 & OLP; optimization of views for iPads, tablets, and narrow-width screens (especially member records and COEs).
February 26, 2021:
Deployed: m2 bug fixes, internal improvements, and changes, display active and inactive member counts for local member types, fix custom message position on printed dues notices, display labels of affiliation statuses, allow 2/29 spouse birthdate. Improve read-only access for links and popups—update YGS. Bugfix local calendar panel connecting m2 and OLP Calendars.
February 23, 2021:
Help Center:
Deployed: general bug fixes, voucher signature lines changed to universal labels
February 20, 2021:
Updated 2021 Feb/March Training Schedule
February 17, 2021:
Help Center:
February 16, 2021:
Help Center:
- What is a Financial Control System, and Why Does a Nonprofit Charitable Group Require a Financial Control System?
- Creating / Announcing / Editing / Copying / Cancelling / Deleting a Calendar Event
- Updated Info/Officers screens for local elected and appointed offices: "Edit Local Officers" The red circle (minus) allows you to remove an officer. The change circle will enable you to replace an officer. This is now managed on this Info/Officers screen.
- NY: Push m2 Certificates of Election (COE).
February 14, 2021:
Help Center:
February 1, 2021:
January 16, 2021:
Help Center:
This Past Week's Deployments: Push v2.0 event engine and add YGS Recalculation button. RAPA: push a new Certificate of Election (COE).
January 5, 2021:
Deployed: General bug fixes and speed improvements on data tables and Bulk Edit Dues screen. Expanded Dues Owed modal from Member Table (click to view Dues Owed by year and total without leaving the screen).
Recent deployments: the display of creation date for new user accounts (Admin > Manage Users)
December 21, 2020:
Introducing Groupable Online Payments
December 18, 2020:
Updates to Help Center:
December 15, 2020:
Deployed: m2V2 - new local consolidation feature for groups on the V2 engine.
Deployed: m2: expanded affiliation editing options for Admin users only.
Deployed: OLP: changed Weekly Masonic Update emails to go out Tuesdays instead of Saturdays.
December 10, 2020:
Deployed: bug fixes to OLP:m2 connections. Display the "email dues notice" button only when a party has a valid email. Updates to OLP Merchant Status box in Dues/Arrears screen.
December 7, 2020:
Deployed: m2/OLP connections enhanced to display OLP Merchant Account status in m2, extend credit card expiration years in OLP checkout, added Member Number to the checkout screen.
November 27, 2020:
November 17, 2020:
- If you cannot join us for a Groupable:Live! Session, please check out our comprehensive Groupable:How To video playlist
November 16, 2020:
Updates to Help Center:
November 13, 2020:
Deployed: Bug fixes for OLP - Create account.
Updates to Help Center:
November 5, 2020:
Deployed: Single-click log in to OLP from groupable:m2.
November 3, 2020:
Deployed: bug fixes so that your login session will stay active.
November 2, 2020:
Deployed: MORI Classic login has been retired. Please log in through groupable:m2. Sort solicitations (on the customize dues notice) is now alpha-numeric. Added Members with Invalid Postal Addresses at Group level (parent organization). Import into m2: Mailing: Officers without Labels Reports, adding three reports (invalid cell, phone, email, postal address).
October 30, 2020:
Rewrite of YouTube Groupable How-To videos.
October 20-27, 2020:
Deployed: general bug fixes, bug fixes to print single member. Changes in Dues / Arrears display, refactor configure dues. Bug fix for Military History to accept years as well as full dates.
Updates to Help Center:
- OLP - My Events, Nearby Events, Other Events
- I've Set up my WePay Account - how can my members pay online?
- When Member Payments/Dues Owed shows a Credit (negative)
- Dues / Arrears
October 19, 2020:
Updates to Help Center:
October 12, 2020:
Deployed: contact mechanism clean up: includes normalizing phone numbers and consolidating phones, cells, and emails.
Deployed: select data cleanup; bug fixes; error resolutions.
October 11, 2020:
Deployed: Admin Email Statistics (display queued, sending, sent)
Updates to Help Center:
October 8, 2020:
Deployed: Contact Info bug fixes for invalid addresses.
Updates to Help Center related to new releases:
- Email Dues Notices
- Groupable:m2 Symbols and Icons
- Aged Receivables (Dues & Arrears)
- Tables and Reports - Sorts, Exports, Reports
- How to Allow for Online Prepayment of Dues
October 7, 2020:
Updates to Help Center related to recent releases and more:
- How to Update your own Contact Information in OLP
- OLP Account Management
- Paying my Dues in OLP
- Printing Labels/Envelopes for Dues Notices
- Who Has Access to Groupable:m2?
- Creating Your groupable:m2 Account
- How Do I Recover My groupable:m2 or MORI Classic Access?
October 6, 2020:
Deployed: Bug fixes and refinements to tables. Dues section: Print Envelopes and Labels for Dues Notices. Select y/n ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED. Formatting of dues notices. Release Notes link added to Navigation Menu. Correct Members by Member Types to correctly categorize by Active/Inactive Members. Consolidate Online Dues management to groupable:m2 > Dues & Arrears > Configure Dues Notice/Email Dues Notices (deactivate Dues section in OLP).
September 29, 2020:
Bug fixes. Deployment of Print Dues Notices by Member Type. Member Payment deletion will always revert a Dues Owed.
September 25, 2020:
September 24, 2020:
Deployed: Groups and Locals live on production, replacing Grand Lodge/Chapter/Commandery/Council and Lodges/Chapters/Commanderies/Councils in the code. Small changes to menu labels. Lodge/Local, Grand Lodge/Group.
Continued updates to Help Center language, organization related to recent releases.
September 23, 2020:
Updates to Help Center related to recent releases:
- Managing Member Contact Info
- Managing your existing roster
- Adding to your roster
- Finding Members
- Member Record Screen
- Overpayment or Advance Dues Payments
- Entering Member Payments
- Assigning / Changing Member Type
- Managing Member Types
- User Account: Swap Role, Change Default Role
- Dues Reports
- Dues / Arrears
September 18, 2020:
September 16, 2020:
Deployed TL, significant speed improvements loading tables.
Tables (Lodge, Chapters, Members, Financial Transactions, etc) will now recall your most recent Sort or Search when you return to the page.
September 15, 2020:
Deployed update to email dues notices.
Deployed Parent Organization Life Membership $$ icon on the Import Dues and Bulk Edit Dues screen.
September 14, 2020:
Deployed m2 edit contact information from the Member Profile screen.
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