The Checkbook Balance screen can be accessed by selecting Income/Expenses.
Click the "Checkbook Balance" on the Financial Stats screen.
This section is open to anyone logged into groupable|m2 in any of the following roles: lodgeSecretary, lodgeAssistantSecretary, lodgeReadOnly.
This screen displays a screen resembling a checkbook register that starts with the starting date and balance entered in the form. It then, in date order, subtracts disbursement authorizations (aka vouchers) and adds all cash given from the secretary to the treasurer. To export this, click one of the five buttons on the bottom of the screen.
The "calculate checkbook" calculates the total of what has been paid out in disbursement authorizations and what has been deposited with an Officer Funds Transfer in a given period.
Field Descriptions:
- Beginning Date - the date to begin the register at in MM/DD/YYYY format
- Beginning Balance - the amount to begin the register at in ####.## format (i.e., no dollar signs or commas)
- Calculate Checkbook is not based on the starting or ending balance of a bank account handled by the Treasurer, and it does not substitute for the Treasurer's Bank Reconciliation.
- Any payments collected by the secretary and not given to the treasurer (via the Cash To Treasurer screen) will not show up in the register.
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