To ensure that your members can reach groupable from your public website, please use the following branded assets as the link images for the site:
Groupable logo in TEAL on transparent background, for light backgrounds:
Groupable logo in WHITE on transparent background, for dark backgrounds:
Please use or adapt the following copy on your site or social media promotion for your Member Portal and Officer Access:
Our members can access the Member Portal and Database for [your grand body name] via a single site, Groupable.
If you do not already have a groupable account, please create an account for the [your grand body name] and log in to access your member profile, RSVP to events, pay online (when enabled by your local group/lodge/chapter/forest), and see what's coming up and what's been happening around the jurisdiction!
When you become or are an Officer with permission to access the membership database and/or Mailroom, this user account will automatically update with those permissions and allow you access to Groupable as a Webmaster, Secretary, or any other office role in our jurisdiction.
Groupable can also provide custom QR codes for your Groupable site that can be printed off and/or placed on your public site for easy member access.
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