Hello and Welcome to Groupable!
As a District or Area Officer, you have several features within Groupable at your fingertips.
groupable|m2 is the member management service for your Parent Group. As a district officer, you'll see a number of screens upon logging in. If you have multiple roles in your organization, be sure that you are currently in the District ReadOnly Role by clicking your name in the upper right corner of the screen.
Here are some District-Specific features that you'll see:
- Recent Events/Activity. The recent events and event activity display the most current events that have occurred in your District/Area.
- Mailing (Labels/Emails/Reports). The Labels/Emails screen allows you to communicate with and obtain reports of your District/Area membership and local officers. You can pull excel sheets or send an email directly from this screen!
- Local Financials. As part of your groupable|m2 access, you can now utilize the groupable|m2 Financial reporting for each local to save you and your local officers hours of time when fulfilling your Audit responsibilities. There is a shortcut financials overview for your District/Area to review some data at a glance to ensure all Secretaries are up to date, as well as detailed Read-Only access for each Local's Income and Expenses.
- Events Reports. Search for one or more types of events in your District, in a selected date range.
Here is an OLP overview: OLP Leadership Materials. As a District Officer, you have access to your district's OLP page, with the Event Calendar, News Posts, and other Webmaster features. For everything OLP, see OLP For Members and Webmasters
When you are logged into the Member Portal or OLP APP, you can post as Webmaster, or as yourself as a member. If you'd like to get these posts on your public-facing District OLP Website, be sure to post as the District Webmaster, not in your Member role.
- OLP Events
- OLP News Posts
- OLP Files
- Member Portal, OLP Direct Communication (chat)
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