How to: Tables & Reports in groupable:m2
Tables are a powerful sort and report feature in groupable:m2. You can export member information, Dues information, and Income/Expense information. Please read closely for some of the ways in which you can make these tables work for you:
Examples of Tables
Some of these tables are Member lists, and some are financial records. Some are Dues Tables. Please see below for some table examples:
Dues & Arrears Table:
Income/Expenses > Finances > Current Budget Receipts
Undeposited Funds Table:
Recent Activity (Member Events):
Bulk Edit Dues:
How to Use Tables:
Show ____ entries: (5/10/20/All)
Search (filter): Search by typing in the search box. Filter by name or partial name, date or partial date,
income category, payment type, dues year. All table content is searchable.
Sort ^ or v by: All headers can be sorted and reverse sorted. This includes Date, Recorded Date, Name, Return Period, Comment or Details, Dollar Amount, Type, Year, and Member Type. Available headers is dependent upon the selected table (see above for examples).
Table Memory: When you search or filter, and navigate to that member or item and back to this table, the table will remember the search AND your "Show Number of entries". This will reset after logging out. Remove your filter from the search box, or change your sort to change your table view.
Export options: Copy, Excel, CSV, PDF, Print. Click the button to export.
Special characteristics of Export: Data exported from a table will export exactly as you currently see it.
If you sort or reverse sort by date, name, category, etc, the export will match this sorted list. This is especially significant when exporting a PDF or printing. If exporting to excel, you can always sort inside the excel sheet.
If you wish to print your export alphabetically, choose that sort before exporting.
If you wish to print transactions by date, be sure to sort by date (chronologically or reverse chronologically).
If you have searched for "2020", "Dues", or other term, the only data exported will match this search.
Special Export screens/fields:
- Bulk Edit Dues table adds Member Number (unique identifier) and Total Dues Owed to your export file or document.
- Dues & Arrears table adds Member Number and Contact information to your export file or document.
What Reports can I print or export using these Tables?
- Active Member List, Initiates, Inactive, Other
Recent Activity
- Member Events
- Receipts
- Expenses
Income/Expenses For any Closed or the Current Budget Period
- Current Receipts
- Current Vouchers
- Current Expense Line Items
- Deposits (click on a deposit to view the Deposit's table)
- Budget Periods (select a Close Date to view the Finances for any Closed or the Current Budget Period)
Undeposited Funds
- Undeposited Funds
Dues & Arrears
- Dues & Arrears Table: By member, one Dues/Arrears Year per line
- Aged Receivables Owed: Report of Dues Owed By Dues Year, all members Dues Unpaid
- Aged Receivables Paid: Report of Dues Paid By Dues Year, all members Dues Paid
- Bulk Edit Dues: By member, all Dues Years on one line, including Member Number and Total Dues Owed
- Members by Member Type
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