The Add Foreign Affiliation screen can be accessed by selecting Members > Add Foreign Affiliate from the menu.
This feature is open to anyone logged into groupable|m2 in any of the following roles: grandLodgeReadWrite, lodgeSecretary, lodgeAssistantSecretary.
Instructions: Adding A Foreign Affiliate
To affiliate a member from another jurisdiction, enter the information and click next. If the form reloads without error, click confirm to complete the form.
Field Descriptions:
- First Name - the member's first name
- Middle Name - the member's middle name
- Last Name - the member's last name
- Spouse - the first or full name of the spouse
- Lodge - the lodge to which the member is being added
- Birth Date - the member's date of birth in MM/DD/YYYY format
- Birth Place - the member's city/state of birth
- Occupation - the member's occupation
- Proposed By (GL#) - the GL Number of the member who proposed the member being added. This can be found using the Find Function detailed below.
- Special Status
- None - This is a normal member
- Honorary - This is an honorary affiliation
- Degrees
- Initiated - The date the member was initiated in MM/DD/YYYY format
- Passed - The date the member was passed into fellowcraft in MM/DD/YYYY format
- Raised - The date the member was raised to Master Mason in MM/DD/YYYY format
- Lodge - The number of the lodge that either granted the degree on they are affiliating from
- Lodge Name - The name of the lodge
- Location - The city where the lodge is located
- Jurisdiction - The Jurisdiction the lodge is in
- contact information
- Home Address - the member's address for most/all of the year
- Address 1 - first line of the address of c/o for an organization
- Address 2 - second line of the address
- City - the city (required if foreign country is blank)
- State/Province - the state or province (required if foreign country is blank)
- Zip/Postal Code - The zip or postal code (must be ##### or #####-#### if foreign country is blank)
- Foreign Country - the country (blank for US)
- Phone - phone number at this address
- Fax - fax number at this address
- Snowbird Address - another address at which member summers/winters
- Address 1 - first line of the address of c/o for an organization
- Address 2 - second line of the address
- City - the city (required if foreign country is blank)
- State/Province - the state or province (required if foreign country is blank)
- Zip/Postal Code - The zip or postal code (must be ##### or #####-#### if foreign country is blank)
- Foreign Country - the country (blank for US)
- Phone - phone number at this address
- Fax - fax number at this address
- Work Address - the address where the member works. (Note: the system will not produce labels for this address)
- Company - the company where the member works
- Address 1 - first line of the address of c/o for an organization
- Address 2 - second line of the address
- City - the city (required if foreign country is blank)
- State/Province - the state or province (required if foreign country is blank)
- Zip/Postal Code - The zip or postal code (must be ##### or #####-#### if foreign country is blank)
- Foreign Country - the country (blank for US)
- Phone - phone number at this address
- Fax - fax number at this address
- Snowbird Effective
- From - month/day to begin using the snowbird address as their primary address
- To - month/day to stop using the snowbird address as their primary address
- Email Address - the person's email address
- Cell Phone - the person's cell phone number
- Privacy - if checked, limits display of the contact information in some isolate circumstances (e.g., on the Grand Lodge Roster)
- Home Address - the member's address for most/all of the year
- If someone is affiliating from a Jurisdiction not in the list, it is possible that the Jurisdiction is not recognized. Contact Parent Office for assistance.
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