The Lodge Summons screen can be accessed by selecting "Lodge > Lodge Summons" from the menu.
This feature is open to anyone logged into groupable:m2 in any of the following roles: lodgeSecretary, lodgeAssistantSecretary.
This screen is used to author lodge summonses. As you make changes, they will appear in the preview section of the form. Changes will not be permanent until you click 'save'. If you want to print a summons, click 'print'.
Field Descriptions:
- Summons Type:
- Annual Meeting - includes standard copy for an annual summons
- Other Meeting - includes standard copy for any other summoned communication
- First Paragraph (Annual) - paragraph to be included if this is an annual summons
- First Paragraph (Other) - paragraph to be included if this is an other summons
- Meeting Location - where the meeting will be held
- Meeting Date - date of the meeting
- Meeting Time - time of the meeting
- Meeting purpose - the purpose of the meeting
- Additional Text - any additional comments to go in as a last paragraph
- Clicking 'print' will also save changes made to the form before generating the PDF
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