Your parent organization may use unique terms and names for roles and responsibilities. In order to provide accurate training materials and a consistent user experience, Groupable uses a few standard terms that you will find below.
Familiarizing yourself with these terms will allow you to understand the references in the application, live Groupable trainings, and the recorded video instructions and help articles no matter what terms are used inside your organization.
Organization Structure:
Parent Group or Grand Body
The jurisdiction that assigns a charter or defines the local groups' existence. The authorizing body that receives any per-capita fees. The group that uses Groupable as a vendor for member management and communications.
Any intermediate levels that organize local groups within a parent group. These organizational assignments may be based entirely upon geographic or any other defining characteristics. These areas are set up by the Parent Group.
Local Group or Local
The name for any Chapters, Clubs, Consistories, Forests, and Lodges chartered by their Parent Group. "Local" applies to any and all small groups with membership. They may operate directly underneath a Parent Group, or be nested inside of Areas/Regions/Districts alongside other Locals.
Users and Officers:
Grand Body Officer/Grand Line Officer
Elected officers for your jurisdiction/parent group. These people generally have specialized user permissions to view data and communicate with officers and members within your Groupable system.
Office Staff
Volunteers or employees of your Parent Group. These people generally have specialized user permissions to process and manage data within your Groupable system.
Area/District/Regional Officers
Elected or appointed officers at the Area/District/Region. These people generally have specialized user permissions to view member data, Local data, and communicate with officers and members within their Area/District/Region. These officers may also have specialized responsibilities over the Locals in their jurisdiction and may function as Groupable "Superusers" to support the Local Secretaries.
Local Officers
Elected officers at the local level. Some have Read-Only permissions to the system. These people generally have specialized user permissions to view member data, Local data, and communicate with members within their Local.
The name for the Local Officer who operates as "Controller" for the Local Group and therefore has Read/Write permissions to the system.
Assistant Secretary
The name for local users who may be assigned by the Secretary or the Parent Group to have Read/Write permissions to the system.
Local Finances Terms
Groupable Income and Expenses Local Module provides a standardized Financial Controls system for Local Groups to enhance transparency and accountability in an easy-to-use format. Secretaries can manage receivables with member dues billing, payment receipts for dues and donations, deposit tracking. Secretaries can also set up or use an existing Chart of Accounts, manage expense authorizations, and track checkbook balance for a primary checkbook. Annual Income and Expense Reports are easy to access. District Officers can perform annual audits easily using the Income & Expenses for the locals they are responsible for.
These three Finances terms will help you learn more about using Finances in groupable|m2. Watch the Finances Playlist to learn how to use the Finances Module in depth.
Member Type
Categorization of members based on dues, fees, and other financial responsibilities. Member types are set up for each Local, though they may follow a specific structure required by your jurisdiction's code. For more information see Local Finances Dues Setup.
Dues Rate
The sum of all required member dues, fees, per-capita, insurance, and any other billable amounts a member is required to pay to maintain membership. For more information see Dues Rates and your jurisdiction's instructions.
Disbursement Authorization
Standard form for any expense authorization. You may know this as a "Voucher," or your jurisdiction may use another term.
Annual Member Activity Report (AMAR)
Record of all member activity in a given date range or reporting period. Your Grand Body/Parent Group may have another name for this like Annual Return, Recapitulation, etc.
Annual Filing
Form for each local to submit to their Grand Body on an annual basis.
Groupable System and Family of Applications:
m2: Member Management and Local Management for all levels of your organization
This is where the Office Staff and Local Secretaries will perform the majority of their functions updating member records and handling Financial Controls.
Connect: Member Communications and Engagement; Online Payments to your Local
This is the member interface where officers at all levels of an organization can manage their specific calendars, view RSVPs, create news posts, and follow other locals. Secretaries also use connect to activate their Merchant Accounts in Stripe to accept online payments from members.
Connect, where members can pay their dues and make donations online. All member payments made through Connect are recorded automatically on the member record receipts for each Local Group in groupable|m2.
Raiser: Parent Group Fundraising Module
Distinct module where Parent Groups can track their fundraising efforts year over year.
Groupable Passport: Digital Dues Card
When Passport is activated for a Parent Group. members can download the Groupable Passport App and claim their Dues Card using their member number and birthdate. Their Dues Card will display in real time (inactive members will not be able to access a Dues Card). Contact your Parent Group if Passport is not active for your organization yet.
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