How to Start Using Dues Mid-Year
Purpose: For a secretary beginning to set up groupable|m2 Dues when they have already received a number of this year's Dues Payments.
Access: lodgeAssistantSecretary, lodgeSecretary
When setting up mid-year, there are just a few simple steps to get your local group all set up.
- Set up Member Types in your Dues / Arrears Screen.
- Bulk Edit Dues -
- Assign the member types for each active member
- add the CURRENT Dues Owed by Dues Year
- Enter Member Payments that have already been paid this budget period
Detailed Instructions
1. Setting Up Member Types:
Instructions: Add or Change Member Types
2. Bulk Edit Dues
- Information about using the Bulk Edit Dues Screen.
- Assign Member Types for each active member
- Add dues owed (by Dues Year) for any members who currently owe one or more years of Dues.
3. Enter Member Payments from this budget period
- On the Member Payments screen, search for each member who has already paid in your current period.
- Enter their Dues Paid and Dues Year.
This third step is optional, but it is what will create accurate Income totals for your current budget period. Your local group may operate on a calendar period or a fiscal period (ie: July 1 - June 30, or September 1 - August 31).
If your local has used Dues in the past, follow these directions for a Fresh Start.
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