Found from the Home Screen, the Untransferred Funds screen displays all financial income and remits that have not been entered in an Officer Funds Transfer at this time.
To make a transfer to the treasurer, use the green plus symbol in the upper right hand side of the Undeposited Funds screen, and tabulate. Be sure to confirm the transfer.
Video instructions:
- Remits will be displayed but these do not count toward the Officer Funds Transfer total, since they do not include a transfer of cash.
- To look at historical transfers (including Online deposits) navigate to Income/Expenses > Finances > Officer Funds Transfer > date
- As Secretary, you can print a report for the Treasurer, or the Treasurer can log in with their read-only groupable:m2 account and view all transfers from Home > Income/Expenses > Finances > Officer Funds Transfer > date.
- Online Payments made in OLP (WePay Groupable Payments) will never display in Untransferred funds - these WePay transactions are automatically deposited in single-day totals. WePay performs an automatic deposit (we recommend daily transfers) so there is no transfer of cash from one officer to another.
- groupable|payments: Records for your Treasurer
- To add a WePay moderator: see WePay Help Center Instructions: an Assistant Secretary or the Treasurer can be given a "moderator" read-only WePay account to receive emails of payment transaction details as well as be able to log in and view transaction history.
"I'm a new Secretary and my predecessor never used this feature - I don't have ($10,000/$300,000) lying around! How do I handle this?"
"I've been using groupable|m2 for years and never performed "Cash to Treasurer" - what do I do now??"
You are in good company. Simply create one giant Funds Transfer (Cash to Treasurer) and start fresh.
This single transfer will not affect your Budget Periods, it will send those transactions into history so that your organization's future bank deposits can be double checked against the payments and deposit records in groupable|m2.
As Secretary, you can print a report for the Treasurer, or the Treasurer can log in with their read-only groupable|m2 account and view all deposits from Home > Income/Expenses > Finances > Officer Funds Transfer > date.
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